2023 Hike and Fly - Bullseye Results
The 2nd Annual HnF Bullseye was held on the 16th of September at Lake St Clair. This year's weather had the athelets compete in a...
SKYOUT HnF Results & Winners
Battling the wet goat track hike, windy take off conditions and switching winds in the LZ, below are the winners of each class and...
SKY OUT HnF BULLSEYE Competion rundown
By Rob Couper MC, Allen Weynberg otherwise known as the XC Mag Ace Reporter called the countdown to the 9:30am race start. By 10:12...
Lake St Clair Hike And Fly Event 2018
Lake St Clair Hike and Fly The climbs were wind-blown but a steady two to three metres per second up and with the bonus of smooth edges. ...
Daddy Daughter Hike and Fly
Daddy- Daughter Bonding…. Due to the pain of jetlag, we were wide awake as the sunlight started to crest the high alpine mountains and...
Reserve Deployment, scenarios and types
The aim of this article is to educate pilots on types of paraglider reserve parachutes, parachute deployments and emergency scenarios.
Backwards Tandem Landing
After 3 years of talking about it, my cousin Seb finally accepted a ride in the Tandem hot seat…. Shortly after launch, he has his...